

"Culture" Unit8 Discussion, BUS 5113: Organizational Theory and Behavior (University of the People)

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Unit 8 Discussion Forum, University of the People

Culture is embedded in the fabric of an organization. Clearly, it defines the unique character and image of a aabusiness, club, or enterprise. When change is implemented, the culture is disturbed causing anxiety, uncertainty, hostility, and withdrawal from among its members. Coping-readiness can, therefore, hasten the change acceptance and process. 


Research and answer the following questions:

1. How can culture facilitate change?

2. Describe an effective change management program.

3. Cite a recent change within your organization. What was your reaction? How did you cope with change?  


Grade: 9.5/10 (303 words)


  1. How can culture facilitate change?

     Iljins et al. showed that employee satisfaction is one of the most critical factors for making changes. Therefore, unsatisfied employees do not support but resist changes. As Iljins et al. explained, five main elements create an organizational culture model: employees’ satisfaction, adaptability, involvement, mission, consistency. The most crucial organizational culture factors influencing organizational climate are stability, reward system, job satisfaction, team orientation, empowerment, core values and agreement.

(Iljins et al., 2015).


  1. Describe an effective change management program.

     In 1951 Kurt Lewin introduced Lewin’s Three-Step Change Theory. In 1958, as an extension of Lewin’s three-step change, Lippitt et al. described a change management program called “Phases of Change Theory.” Here are the seven steps.

  1. Diagnose the problem
  2. Assess the motivation and capacity for change
  3. Assess the resources and motivation of the change agent
  4. Choose progressive change objects
  5. The role of the change agents should be selected and clearly understood by all parties.
  6. Maintain the change.
  7. Gradually terminate from the helping relationship. (Bourne & Higgins, 2018)


     Also, Goodwin et al. explained that understanding culture is crucial for changing management programs effectively. When this phase is ignored, some employees resist the change, and this change can fail. (Goodwin et al., 2009)



  1. Cite a recent change within your organization. What was your reaction? How did you cope with change?

     Recently, I was assigned a new position. My roles increased, and my tasks are far different from previous jobs, and I started managing three people. It was a significant and sudden change for me. However, I accepted the changes smoothly. My manager and colleagues were surprised by my reaction because they thought I would reject his order. I cope with this change by not asking for help from seniors when I need some help.




Bourne, P. A. & Higgins, D., (2018). Implementing change in an organization: A general overview. Scholarly Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, 1(1), 7-18. https://lupinepublishers.com/psychology-behavioral-science-journal/pdf/SJPBS.MS.ID.000102.pdf

Goodwin, D., O’Hara, T. & Mallinger, M. (2009). Recognizing organizational culture in managing change. Graziadio Business Review, 12(1). https://gbr.pepperdine.edu/2010/08/recognizing-organizational-culture-in-managing-change/

Hunt, J., Osborn, R., Schermerhorn, J. & Uhl-Bien, M (2010) Organizational Behavior, 11th Edition. New York: John Wiley and Sons.

Iljins, J., Skvarciany, V., & Sarkane, E. G. (2015). Impact of organizational culture on organizational climate during the process of change. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 213, 944-950. Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877042815058644